Question about post-op csf leak repair

I can't find much information about CSF leaks and what they can cause, so maybe someone here can help? If you've read my other posts I had a leak and had severe symptoms including blacking out and needed emergency surgery to repair. After the repair I felt so much better and was home from the hospital the next afternoon.

I'm 4 days post-op from that repair, feeling really good - I haven't been doing much, mostly staying in bed, but last night I was hungry and put some chicken nuggets and fries in the oven and when I went to take them out, I think maybe I bent down and went up too fast, not sure though, but I was a little dizzy and then I got the spatula to flip the fries over but I lost control of my hand and it just kept moving on its own and I thought maybe I might pass out so I dropped the spatula and turned around and leaned on the counter and was fine.

It was really scary because I never have experienced anything like this until I had the leak, and now that the leak is repaired I didn't think I'd have these issues - but I do think I might still have some spinal fluid in my sinuses, I sometimes can feel sloshing in my ears still, so maybe that could cause balance/control issues?

I've googled everything I can think of and can't find anything, does anyone know what could of happened to me? Could I have any permanent damage from the leak? I'm also nervous because in 6 days I'm in my sister's wedding as a bridesmaid, but I am sitting instead of standing at the front of the altar so hopefully I'll be just fine.

So sorry you are still dealing with this! I know how frightening these symptoms can be. Please call your NS and let them know how you’re feeling. That’s why they get the big bucks.

Sorry that you went through everything that you did. I agree with the comment below. Please call you NS because they can answer your questions and help you. God bless, Mary Lou

Thanks, I haven't called my NS because it's the weekend, I am going to call Monday. I've already spent an arm and a leg to be a bridesmaid and it is my only sister so yes, it is important to me to be a part of the wedding, and we already have it worked out for me to not be standing during the ceremony, no worries there ;) I just don't want to embarrass myself in front of the 100 some people that will be in attendance!

It's so good to hear that you are doing better. You have been through hell. I would think it takes time to reabsorb some of the CSF that made it's way into places it shouldn't be. I agree with the other brilliant ladies about calling your NS. Your sister's wedding is a great thing to look forward to and such a happy goal to reach for. I hope that you have a great time and you feel nothing but joy on that day. Please keep us updated on everything. And please call the NS first thing Monday. : )

Doodledee216 How did you make out at the NS today?