Prayers Please!

I am in no way new to this page due to the fact that my son Clayton had decompression surgery with a dura patch 4 years ago on August 1st!!! It helped me so much to hear stories from other Mom’s of successful surgery! Today I am here for myself in December of 2014 I lost my job of 9 years because no matter how hard I tried I could never get to work without being at least 5 minutes late after my set schedule was moved up to 15 minutes earlier and that was only the beginning of what I call this fog in my brain…shortly after I started noticing that I had no feeling in my fingertips, next came the numbness in both arms as well as my legs at times! I started falling often and dropping everything…if I got mad I would literally just scream, cuss and cry without any control over my own emotions, as for the crippling migraines As well as the knots in my shoulders and upper back I have had them all my life but something was different if I go to stretch my neck my whole spine goes numb! The confusion is the worst I will literally pull out in front of someone and never have seen them until they are honking and on my butt! With no job I was put on medicaid after not having insurance for over 10 years! In March 2015 they did an MRI and found I myself have a chiari that is 15mm with a syrinx that has tethered my spine it goes all the way to C4! After countless dr appointments even pain management telling me my pain wasn’t real I was beyond discouraged! Well yesterday I finally went to the neurosurgeon after waiting for too long and I am scheduled for surgery on Saturday! I’m scared because I am the only one my kids have but I am ready to be pain free! I guess I just wondered if there is anyone out there that has been thru anything similar to this?!? Prayers are much appreciated in the days to come! Thanks in advance!

I just found out I have Chair so I’m not much help with advice but I will definitely keep you in my prayers. :slight_smile: GOD BLESS YOU AND GOOD LUCK! :heart::heart::heart::heart:

Hi, Tamkay.

I am sorry for your difficulties.

I just wanted to offer my moral support. It’s understandable you are a little scared. You strike me as a strong, determined Mom, however, also. These tremendous strengths will help carry you through your surgery and into recovery. And remember we are here for you should you need to lean on us.

