Post op lightheaded/dizziness

Hello all! I will be 4 weeks post op tomorrow. For anyone that has had the surgery, did you have post op lightheaded/dizziness? I have it everyday, all day. Before surgery it was more like spells, but now it’s all the time! The neurosurgeon said be patient, it’ll take a while…but it just doesn’t feel right and it scares me. I just stopped having to be led around holding onto someone which is a step in the right direction, but I’m still very dizzy and unsteady. If anybody can provide their experience that this IS a normal part of recovery I would appreciate reassurance. Thank you so much!

Hi Missyjo it does take time for me it took almost 2 months for that to completely go away. You need to take it easy and listen to your body I know that it is frustrating not being able to do everything on your own like you are used to right now but the surgery you had is a major surgery it takes time for your body to heal. Best wishes.

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Post-op dizziness is not a normal part of surgical recovery. Does it happen? Yes, though there is something that can be done other than rest.

You can check out my info submission. Go to the HOME page under NEWBIES guide to Chiari. The posting is titled Dizziness and Chiari.

My understanding is that the Chiari brain, the forebrain, can become challenged by the stressors of Chiari and surgery. This stress results in the brain no longer suppressing underlying primitive reflexes that originate in the hind brain. The primitive reflex exercises assist the brain in resuming that suppression which is normal for an adult brain.

If this is indeed the contributing factor to your dizziness, the exercises work marvelously. If you have any questions give a shout as I would hate to see you continue with our dizziness any longer than you have to!

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Hello - i had surgery in Dec 2015. My NS told me that one thing I might experience after surgery was a feeling like being on a boat. I had this feeling for at least 6 - 8 weeks following surgery, and even had to come home with a walker. What finally helped me to get over that feeling was PT. I started PT about 3 months post op and went for about 8 weeks before I was released to go back to work. I would say to hang in there; it does get better. :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for your reply! :slight_smile:

Thank you, I’ll check into It! :slight_smile:

Thank you Mila! :slight_smile:

Hello Missyjo! I had surgery on November 28, 2016 and my surgeon says it will gradually improve as time goes by. Post-op was great for about 4-5 months and then lightheaded/dizziness came back. The lightheaded/dizziness didn’t improve overtime (which was my main symptom). So I called my neurosurgeon and listed all my symptoms to him, as he asked. He said I probably have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and I need to have a tilt table test done with a cardiologist. Had a tilt table test on December 11, 2017 and definitely have it. My mistake was waiting too long before saying something to my surgeon. ADVICE - I would definitely speak up if it continuous as months goes by.
On, a positive note it is improving with my PT exercises (exercises from PT last year-3 months) I do Monday threw Friday and taking Salt Stick Vitassium :slight_smile: !! Still searching for a POTS specialist. They are hard to find.
Are you doing anything to help the lightheaded /dizziness? Stay strong and stay positive!! It can improve overtime :slight_smile: ! Let me know if you need anything! Praying for you :slight_smile: !

AW31, thank you! Dizziness has slight improvement each day, but it still seems to be pretty constant. I have thought about pots in the past as I was wrongly diagnosed with svt for my tachycardia years. When I get it, it seems to come and go in waves. I had my last episode in January where it went to 150bpm but has been the opposite end of the spectrum for months now in 50s and 60s. I read somewhere ppl drink gatorade for it so I started doing that when I start getting weak legs and weak body! Surgeon wants me to wait til 12 weeks for followup so I’ll be seeing him again. Hopefully better by then. :crossed_fingers: :slight_smile:

Missyjo, your welcome! Glad its slightly improving for you :slight_smile: ! Sorry to hear about being misdiagnosed :frowning: . I understand and hope it improves for you. Wow that’s a big jump in bpm. I believe taking as much preventatives as possible is the key to maintain a chronic illness. Well at least try too :slight_smile: ! Crossing my fingers you’re 12 week follow-up goes well for you!