Post cervical fusion help and hints please!

I had cervical fusion c6-c7 last Thursday... during surgery they found a disc had cut into a tendon and a nerve bundle... disc was cut away, rod wedge and cage placed, marrow transplanted and I think an alograph may have also been done...

wondering how long before pt usually is recommended...

How long does visible incision (and surrounding area) swelling usually last?

I still am having a bit of difficulty swallowing, like something is stuck in my throat.

Anyone else experience increased whooshing in the ears post op?

or one ear plugging up... If I move my neck to the side slightly it clears up.

still numb in the arm with new nerve pain from top of shoulder to fingers

no major headache yet! yeah!

So many questions! I feel pretty good so far but not quite as well as I was expecting... I'm told that's because I expect myself to be wonder woman (is true I push myself all the time). I am taking it slow now to ensure proper healing.

Just wondering how much of this is typical post op...

Pebbles, gees I’m so sorry it sounds like you are not feeling so hot…but it’s only been a week!! Remember everybody is truly different with healing. Im glad you are going to take it easy- you just had some massive trauma to your neck. I did a search in the “discussions” using the key word “fusion” and quite a few Discussions came up. I hope you are able to relax and really rest up. Do you have pots or other dysautonomia? Maybe that’s contributing to how your feeling?

Keeping you close in prayer,

I have never been checked for Pots or any dysautonomia. I have wondered about my daughter though as she has had blackouts in the past and has CM1.
On this front I was just wondering if what I feel now is pretty typical. I have had major abdominal surgery before and I do have a full understanding of how long the body takes to completly heal. But this type of surgery with CM1 and the pre-surgery cord compression just kind of leaves me guessing as to what is normal/typical post op.

I will be watching for responses with you cause foresee a fusion in my future. I’m sorry I can’t offer anything for advice. I do hope you begin notice positive changes as you heal.

Thank you! The procedure itself went well and was just 1 day in hospital. I walked to the store (4 blocks) the same day I was released. So, in all I know doing pretty well. My recommendation for anyone having c-spine surgery is to have a good body pillow. A big one… it has made sleeping and sitting far easier. Also, if you have long hair you may want to consider cutting or at least thinning it pre-surgery as it is difficult to wash and brush post-op.

Thank you so much I will file that!

Hi Pebbles,

You are definitely one tough woman and have really been through a lot.

I never had PT & have total range of motion, but I had already had a rebuilt C spine prior to the discectomy on C5 & fused C6. My NS specifically said no PT.

The swelling didn't last but maybe a week to 10 days post surgical. It's been 5 years since I had it done and you can't even see my scar.

I felt the titanium cage for months. It did make me have swallowing problems. I still fell it if I hold my head a certain way or turn to the left too fast. I also have dysphagia but I always feel like there is something stuck in my throat. I didn't have any ear problems. I also had major nerve pain from my neck to my shoulder down to mid forearm. It hurt really bad. I had a nerve conduction study done and then nerve blocks and ablation and my shoulder and arm pain only hurts every now and then. It was really worth it.

I am really glad you aren't having headaches.

I recovered from the surgery really well and was really worried about range of motion but everything turned out well. I think after everything we have been through they could amputate a body part & I wouldn't think it was that bad.Sad to say but true.

I really think most everything is post op. I can just still fell that cage & like something is stuck in my throat. Definitely check into that nerve study. They can relieve that pain without medication.

Let me know how you continue to recover.


Thank you so much Tracy! I was having nerve pain and numbness in my arm prior to surgery anyway and do know it can take months to see if there will be any difference. They did have monitors on my hand and left arm during the op and they did say there was a tendon that the disc had cut into and the nerve bundle was involved as well. I’m just glad to hear the remaining symptoms seem pretty mainstream. I appreciate the reply!

Hi pebbles..sorry to hear of your troubles.. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and thoughts..keep your chin up and stay strong..