Poem I want to Share

How beautiful, eloquent, pure and from the heart!! XXOO

Thanks...If I could only get her to clean her room!!!!!!!

Seriously though, Victoria does not wear her heart on her sleeve like I do...rarely talks about feeling....that is way is was so dear to me.

Christine....HOW ARE YOU????

I hear ya on the bedroom! My Julia is the worst! She just doesn't have it in her to be the least bit neat. My son Ryan isn't any better. I pick my battles! lol I can't really complain, they're the best kids any mom could ask for.

As for Victoria, the best words are the written ones. Some people just don't know how to express what they're actually feeling outwardly. Comes out better on paper or in this day and age...computer. She sure did a great job and let you know how she really feels. It's a gift you'll have always! <3

Just getting over a UTI, amongst other ailments. I'm really wiped from never truly feeling well. My headaches are getting worse. We've had some wacky weather here on Long Island. That's not helping. My swelling and fluid build up (pseudomenningocele) still present and being watched. This fluid build up may have something to do with my urinary retention and UTI. Great, right? Just saw urologist today and they're doing a urodynamic test on me next week. Not a pleasant test at all.

Anyway, hope you are doing better. Talk soon. <3


Wow great poem!

Hi Amy...

Thank you...I am very proud of her.

How are YOU?????



You certainly should brag. That wonderful poem give you complete bragging rights. That should be published.


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