I am having surgery next week for decompression chiari one… Can people share good experiences they have had as it all seems very negative … Need to know I’m doing the right thing
I had a very positive experience. Please pm me or email me I’m happy to share. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. I’m afraid of sharing it I public because everyone is different. I don’t want to come across as bragging or make people feel that their recovery is abnormaland scare them, or bad about themselves if its not as smooth as mine.
Everyone really is different. I bounced back rather quickly and found the surgery to be easier than I anticipated. One thing to keep in mind is that a lot of the success stories have moved on with their life and no longer feel the need for a support group. Even though they may not be around sharing their stories they are out there! Like Barb said above feel free to PM me!
Hi anglyn I can’t seem to private msg u??
I sent you a message! :)