Parenting Kids with Chiari

My question is do you still discipline your child even though they have Chiari? I have a 12 year old daughter that will be 13 next month. For the most part she is a good kid,we hardley have any problems with her. Here lately she has started to talk back or have a comment to say when told to do something. She has had a lot medical problems since Nov of last year. The other day she was on a roll and had a comment to everything I said and was rolling the eyes. I made her sit in the corner which is how we discipline in are house. I feel so bad having to do that,I feel I can not let her act like that either. So my question is as a parent do you still discipline your child? If so how do you get through it with out feeling like a bad parent because your disciplineing some one that also has medical problems. As a parents its hard because your heart breaks because your child is so sick but you still have to be a parent.

Hi Susan,

I have had to smile when thinking about your daughter. My daughter did the same thing at 12-13 years old. I really don't think making her have a time out or taking away priviledges is bad parenting. Even though she has CM she still has to grow up being taught right from wrong and how to be a good person & world citizen. You sound like a wonderful Mom. Do not beat yourself up. You are not physically punishing your daughter. All our children are being raised with so many issues we never even thought of. I just think you would do your daughter a miservice if you don't displine her. One day she will thank you for being the Amazing Mom I know you are.

Tracy Z.

Susan, you're doing a wonderful job parenting your daughter! My son is 13 and has epilepsy. He was diagnosed almost 3 years ago and I remember going through the same doubts as you are currently. I felt horribly whenever I'd have to take something away or scold, but Tracy is absolutely right. You'd be doing your daughter no good if you let things slide and I agree that she'll be grateful to have had a caring, involved mother to look up to!

Hang in there!


As a person who works in the field of developmental disabilities I can tell you from experience that absolutely you need continue to parent your children, if not even more because they are going to turn into adults and if you want your child to grow up to be a respectful adult they have to learn these skills just the same. A part of the adolence experience is defying your parents, but they need and desire displine. I once heard a parent say if your teenager hates you then you are doing your job. I quote that losly but you get the point. I am one for demanding respect and leading by example, I don't want my kids to ever hate me but I do want them to feel guilty if they disappoint us because they done something to break that respect. I treat my kids the way I want them to treat others. It is clearly known who the parents are and who the child is, there is no mistaking it. I can tell you that I have very kind, thoughtful and respectful kids, never had to threaten them. I feel the biggest parenting mistake is lack of follow through, don't ever say something that you are not willing to committ to. And of course lots of validation and love, be the one to fuel your kids. good luck!

Thank you everybody. Its nice to know I'm not the only one that has had these feeling. I agree Tracy its that age thing. Eventhough I feel bad about displineing her by taking stuff away or sitting in the corner. I want her to grow up to be a young lady with repect,value,morals. Which she does have now and I want her to have that when she gets older. I must be doing something right, all my friends tell me how great she is,how they hope there kids turn out like her. Thank you again I just need so reassurance.