I need to know if anyone else has a small child with Chiari and if they have all the health issues my daughter is having. She gets sick quiet often, she gets these episodes where she just says she doesn't feel good and turns pale and gets dark circles under her eyes. She has seizures - childhood absent seizures so its not the bad ones but is on Zarontin (Splg) for those - just wondering if anyone else if having issues like this with their small child. She is 5 years old and is only 29 pounds - partly because she gets sick so often but also because she doesn't feel good. Any suggestions or like situations on what you did would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!
Not a parent, but sending you and Byrn prayers.
Thank you so much for your reply. I had blood work done last week and it came back normal - her white blood cells were a little low but she was recovering from the stomach flu and broncitus - so it was normal - they weren't excessively low.
Thank you jcdemar - appreciate your prayers immensely!