Painful scar 8 months post-op?

Does anyone else have a scar that is painful and tender to touch more than 6 months post-op? I had a decompression and duraplasty 8 months ago, and I'm just wondering if this is normal.

If the area isn't red, swollen, hot, I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone heals at their own pace, and most likely, it's the nerves to the skin that were cut just reconnecting to the new scar area. That should go away as time goes on, but you could have a sensitive scar for some time, way past the 1 year mark.

Hello thebeach1212,

As it happens, I have some pain related to my surgical site and I am 9+ years post-op decompression. The best way I can describe this feeling it is something like someone continuously pulling my hair. This can be a huge distraction at times. I had a conversation with my NS about this several years back and he believed that this was not uncommon and offered advise on topical treatments. I have tried capsicum and other such remedy's with minimal success. I have found some topical pain cream that works wonders for my "zipper" and has been helping greatly with this hair pulling feeling. In my case, this is a minor inconvenience only because the symptoms I had been experiencing prior to my surgery were so severe. These things can take a long time heal and I would suggest that if the pain is distracting you or uncomfortable contact your NS and explain your symptoms. He/She may have some treatment options available for you to try. I trust your surgery went successfully and I hope you are feeling relief from your Chiari related pre-op symptoms. I think Gag offered some great advise and is correct, each of us has a certain tolerance to pain. If this pain worsens, I would not hesitate to see your PCP to rule out any kind of an infection.


I am 9 weeks post op and I’m having the Sam sensation so I ws wondering the Sam thing…I feel like someone is pulling my hair all the time too plus I’m having some neck muscle issues. I figured it was probable the nerves being cut but boy oh boy is it is uncomfortable!