Pain not subsiding after surgery

I had my surgery feb 18th 2013. I was in a lot of pain but still sent home 2 days later. I ended up back in the Local ER 2 days later and had to transferred back to the hospital where I had my surgery. They said I had a small collection of air and CDF . They kept me for another 2 days pretty much just for pain control. I was feeling ready to go when the discharged me but I was also taking dilaudid 4mg every 4 hrs as well as Tylenol, a muscle relaxer, a diuretic, and a steroid. Over the next week I continued taking these meds around the clock. After that point I was able to just take Oxycodone 5 or 10mg in the morning with some Tylenol and then again at night. I was also still on the other meds. Things were ok until a few days ago. Now the pain is worse and the meds aren’t really helping. It
Seemed to start getting worse when I stopped the steroid. Now every step I take sends pain down my spine to about the level of my shoulder blades as well as a dull headache in the front of my head and the area of the surgery just hurts. I put ice on it several times a day that seems to help a little. Has anyone else experienced this? I don’t know if this is normal but it even hurts to cough, sneeze, even bend over or look down makes behind my eyes hurt. My neck is very stiff and sore still too. I’m very discouraged. I go back to work in 4 weeks and right now I can’t even walk without pain.

It just worries me that I was feeling ok then things started going down hill. Nothing touches this headache and I’m just about out of the pain meds they prescribed. I’m definately calling my NS first thing Monday morning. Thank u :slight_smile:

Torie, I’m 5 wks post op and experiencing severe pain. Starting 3 days ago I was getting a headache at night that needed a little more medication each night. I got a rager in the middle of last night and no pain meds are helping. I’m getting worried. My neck is hurting too, it’s making me throw up. I called my ns office, they said its not because of a CSf leak cause laying down doesn’t feel any better. I can’t give any advice cause I’m in the same boat:( but let me know what you find out from your doc

I’m 4 months out and my symptoms still come back for short periods.I still have noise in my head and some pressure but it is getting better,just hang on.I’ll tell you that this recovery is very slow I’ve been told by my NS and other patients to expect about 1 yr. and I’m believing it too.Keep thinking possitive!

I’m calling my NS mon. I can’t take this pain and I’m supposed to go back to work in 4 weeks. I will let you know what I find out from my doc.

Hi Torie..

How are you feeling today?? Did you get a hold of your NS yesterday.??

I jsut wanted to give you my own experience with my early recovery...I had pain and weakness and it subsided then came back..I felt like it was a bad rollercoaster ride...Thankfully, my NS had told me that this was going to be the case...he said something to the effect.."since your CSF had not been flowing correctly for a long is going to take the body/brain some time to adjust to the new flow.." He went on to say that b/c of this, I may even get a few NEW Sx;'s but they would go away! He was 100% right on all of this.

Your body is still healing from the surgery..and your brain and body is trying to adjust to the new CSF sure to listen to your when you need to, try and walk around the house a bit..a few times a day or not bend at the waist....I am sure you know the drill!

Let us know how you are and what the NS had to say, if you got a hold of him yet.

Take Care,


I called my NS they said this is to be expected and I go see him march 25. I’m feeling a little better dont have to take the pain med as much but my hands go numb and tingling quite often-several times a day. I never experienced this before so I don’t know what that’s all about. I feel different too- depressed alot, nothing that made me happy before does anymore.


Early in recovery, I had so many emotions going on..For me, I think it was the meds causing me to have a flat affect....and then anxiety over my future.

It does get better...I am glad you are sharing with us...we get it! I hope you feel less alone ...recovery has its good days and not so good days! Listen to your body...try not to over do....

Be sure to write down everything you are experiencing ..and bring it with you on the 25th. Keep us posted!

Torie I know things are going to get better for you,so glad you’re doing better.It’s took me about the last 4 months to realize some of the results of this thing,just take one day at a time,your better days are coming soon.

It’s nice to talk to people who understand what I’m feeling. My family are supportive but don’t really get what I’m feeling. I haven’t had much help with housework and such so that def doesn’t help w the pain. When I have bad days I always write down how I’m feeling.