Pain is my fault apparently

Hey everybody,

Haven't been on in a while, things have been fairly hectic and unfortunately my grandad passed away a few weeks ago. I loved him very very much and am extremely proud to be his granddaughter but I digress, along with the emotional upheaval some aspects of the pain got bad (Headache mostly) I have been sent to a neuropsychologist for the last few weeks and he is a lovely lovely man. Anyway the other day myself and him had a minor disagreement. He said my emotions can be the reason behind the headaches and I took it up the wrong way (He used that phrase we all know and love "It's all in your head") To put it mildly I told him he was just like the other doctors I've seen who finds it easier to blame it on me than it is to treat me. He explained that he phrased it the wrong way and he didn't mean it like that at all. What I couldn't understand is that he said the emotions shouldn't have any impact on my headaches... I wanted to know if anybody else feels their headache worsen after getting really upset and crying? I am starting to doubt my own thought at this point and I could just use some feedback from you guys because I trust all of you far more than I trust anybody that I have to call Dr. So please let me know if it's the same for any of you? I thought it was common that stress causes your pain in your head to get worse... As I said I have started to doubt my own and just need some info please, I feel like I'm losing my mind because I just don't know how to cope with the idea that my brain is messing up my head! Could just use some feedback or even just some moral support! Both would be gratefully received. Thanks everybody!



My headaches have always gotten worse after being upset and crying…a few tears here and there don’t hurt but I real solid cry kills me. I’ve been almost symptom free since my surgery but I still get unbearable headaches after I cry.

Headaches are worse when I cry. Period. You are not alone in that front for sure.

It’s not really the emotions that give you the headache. It’s the physical act of crying.

I do hurt worse after crying my head will feel like it might explode after a hard cry.I feel that the crying helps to relieve the pressure emotionally but physically it’s a bummer.The Dr.'s comment sounds as if it was off the wall and that is not uncommon among Dr.'s unfortunately it is a part of the chiari journey.I have come to know that so many docs can be harsh.We just have to let them know that it’s not O.K.You let him know where you stand and that’s right on.I have been through many years of dealing with the Dr.'s and the mental anguish is as bad as the sickness,it is very degrading.I’ve endured 27 yrs. of suffering there were lots of times the visit caused the crying that made me worse for sure.I’m sure lots of people on this site know what I’m saying.What a blessing to be here where we can get the understanding from others who knows how we feel.You are strong,chiarians stick together and someday maybe we will be understood,just keep being strong,as Beeba said,stay possitive!You are in my prayers.

I am here to say _ Hell Yes it does_ at least for me!!

I feel all the pain intensified if I start crying. This last month has been very emotional for me so it feels that my head is always full and throbbing. My decompression is schedule June 25th, not sure what to expect from it.. I just hope that when my CSF is set free to flow like it is suppose too, the pressure headaches get somewhat better.

To many doctors have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to Chiari... it really is a specialty; not just reading about it in a chapter in med school.

Nicely said Lynn!

Lynn Messer said:

I do hurt worse after crying my head will feel like it might explode after a hard cry.I feel that the crying helps to relieve the pressure emotionally but physically it's a bummer.The Dr.'s comment sounds as if it was off the wall and that is not uncommon among Dr.'s unfortunately it is a part of the chiari journey.I have come to know that so many docs can be harsh.We just have to let them know that it's not O.K.You let him know where you stand and that's right on.I have been through many years of dealing with the Dr.'s and the mental anguish is as bad as the sickness,it is very degrading.I've endured 27 yrs. of suffering there were lots of times the visit caused the crying that made me worse for sure.I'm sure lots of people on this site know what I'm saying.What a blessing to be here where we can get the understanding from others who knows how we feel.You are strong,chiarians stick together and someday maybe we will be understood,just keep being strong,as Beeba said,stay possitive!You are in my prayers.

Thank you all so much, it’s so amazing to find a group of people that understand and support you! You’ve all made me smile today so again, thank you all so much! Xx

stress makes lots of the symptoms worse including headaches. my dr told me to try to minimize stress because it adds to it. It takes time to find a dr that understands and knows it is from the chairi and stress adds to it and that it is not the stress alone.

I agree. Crying has always brought on headaches for me. Some of my worst have been after crying. I do my best not to cry now but stress and anxiety causes me to feel worse, I can tell. It’s just as bad as too much physical activity for me. I get too worked up (which I do too often) and it’s game over, I’m stuck in bed, usually crying from the pain and making it worse.

I’m sorry for you. not every doctor knows everything, even specialists get it wrong and sometimes people have there own individual triggers/symptoms that aren’t textbook and too many doctors think if it’s not “normal” its not connected. I hope you get some emotional and physical relief :slight_smile:

Anytime I cry my headaches get 10x worse. And I avoid stress because I know if I am getting stressed out, I will be feeling it later. I agree with you, and believe your doctor doesn't know what he is talking about if he said stress doesn't worsen it. Only you know your body, so don't let him make you feel crazy, you know how you feel. Hang in there and keep faith in yourself!