Numb Left Arm?

Does anyone else get this? My left arm isn't exactly numb really, I can still feel hot and cold, and feel pain if I pinch it or something. But it feels dull, and I don't really know how to explain it, but just weird. Not even tingly, just WEIRD. LOL. I'm freaking out over it though, scares the snot out of me.

i've been having problems with my right arm the last couple of day. the pain starts in my shoulder like up to the back of my head and down the side. i was kindda scared from it and could not fall asleep. i don't no if thats what you are feeling


My left arm is practically useless. It was the first thing that ever hurt me when I first started having Chiari symptoms 16 years ago. If i move it to far behind me or over my head too high it starts a cascade of pain in my neck head and face. For many years I had to hold it bent up close to my body like it was paralized. I worked really hard with a physical therapist to get it so I could at least use it minimally. It feels dull like you said thick and heavy. It is scary.


I'm scared i'm going to fall asleep and wake up paralyzed!

When the symptoms are really "flaring" for me the left side of my face, my left arm, and the lower part of my left leg buzz and tingle like when novacaine starts to wear off, but I can feel temperature, touch, and pain. Even when the buzzing isn't present I feel a sensation like a constant squeezing in those areas. It is hard to describe. It scared me at first as well, now it is just plain annoying.

I talked to my NS's medical assistant this morning and I only got her because he was doing a surgery. She took a look at my MRI report and said that there is no extra axial fluid, no mass effect or hemmorage. I asked what that means and she said it means that it's not obstructing the flow of CSF and it isn't putting pressure on anything. Is this correct?

Mine is my Right arm. Have they checked you for a Thoracic Outlet? I had Abalation & burnt the nerve. I don't recommend this to anyone but it has helped my arm.

That's my left arm on a daily basis. The NL said it was from my syrinx and the Chiari making it feel like a cape is draped over it or something to that affect.

i feel the same way when i'm going to had a really bad day. Casandra my toes become numb on my left foot.

Casandra said:

When the symptoms are really "flaring" for me the left side of my face, my left arm, and the lower part of my left leg buzz and tingle like when novacaine starts to wear off, but I can feel temperature, touch, and pain. Even when the buzzing isn't present I feel a sensation like a constant squeezing in those areas. It is hard to describe. It scared me at first as well, now it is just plain annoying.