Recently, the NS determined I am not a good candidate for decompression surgery given my “minor” 5mm distention. After getting feedback from members of this support group and reading up on the Cine MRI online, I reached out to the NS to ask if a Cine MRI could be ordered to help us determine if my “minor” distention was restricting or blocking CSF flow. The response I received - “Dr. Schwarz is not familiar with Cine MRI. Sorry.”
More than ever I’m wondering if I have the right NS…Has anyone else had a Cine MRI done or had a NS who didn’t know what a Cine MRI was?
If I were asymptomatic that would be one thing. But I’m not. And I struggle more and more everyday with no solution in site. The NS tells me to work with the neurologist, and the neurologist tells me there “These are notoriously difficult to treat pharmacologically and there are not many medications proven to be effective for treatment.” So I’m basically being told to grin and bare it. (Sorry for preaching to the choir.)