I am 11 months post op and my symptoms are beginning to return with a vengeance. I am having nerve block injections in a couple of weeks to hopefully help but I am so discouraged! I have daily headaches, can not sleep without the aid of meds, and am constantly tired. I went back to work 4 months post op to a desk job but went back no restrictions 8 months post op. I was doing ok at first but this last month has been hard. No one understands and I try to not complain but I’ve reached the point where I wonder if I will ever be “normal”. It’s hard to continue my regular days schedule and fight through the pain. I’m taking diamox, fioricet, flexeril, and Advil on a daily basis and nothing helps. Any suggestions?
Mommy 23,
Unfortunately many Chiarians have symptoms return after surgery. Who is doing your follow up care? Did your NS even discuss with you the possibility of having post op symptoms? After my surgeries I had to find and embrace my new normal. It's a difficult journey at times. Nerve Blocks have helped me with continued medication. Which nerves are you getting blocked?
Thanks Abby. I have a lot of the symptoms listed also so I will be talking to my dr about it.
Tracy Z, I can’t remember the exact nerves they r targeting but my NS seems to think that it’s a nerve in my cervical area that is triggering the HA. I’m almost willing to try anything at this point. I have a VERY stressful job profession and a hectic schedule at hm with kids so I know this doesn’t help. But I’m doing the best I can to keep up and stay up. Many times people just look at me and think “you seem like u r doing good” but I’m really at my wits end. It’s all becoming too much. I try not to be a complainer so thanks for letting me whine and vent here. Lol.