MRI Report help please

My son had an MRI in March, should 3-5 mm herniation of cerebellar tonsils. We went to a NS, who had us do a spinal MRI and a flow study. I just got the results and it nows says 5-6 mm herniation and diminished pulsations posterior to the tonsils (also says reduced flow velocitites posterior to the tonsils). Couple of questions: Could the herniation be worse already? Its probably just the radiologist interpretations right (2 different radiologist)? And what does diminished pulsations/reduced flow velocitites mean?

The NS we saw, told us before these results that he did not need surgery. I dont know if this changes things or if I should push for surgery due to the possibility of a Syrinx happening latter with the reduced flow. Opinions on that please also :)

Thanks for always helping!

The difference in the herniation could just be the interpretation from the two different Radiologists. You should still have him seen by a NS that is experienced with Chiari, especially since his CSF flow is being affected. There are lists of patient recommended doctors…You can find links on our resources and doctors page. Is your son having pain/symptoms from Chiari? Are they getting worse? These are all thing that you should discuss with a Specialist. I’m so sorry your son has to go through this:( You both will be in my thoughts and prayers.