CSF flow

Finally got a CINE MRI done. This latest mri impression says. 7mm (previously stated to be 5mm in Feburary) inferior cerebellar tonsillar ectopia. the imaging appearance does not meet criteria for chiari malformation, though there is absence of CSF flow posteriorly at the craniocervical junction. clinical correlation is requested. Any body have any thoughts? What are the odds that they might give me more help now that they know there is an absense of csf flow?Ive had two more syncope episodes since feburary. Heart racing comes and goes most often after ive forgotten and bent over for something,then pounds after standing back up.My progression of symptoms has been very quick over the last few months.

It sounded to me that it was the radiologists report? Depending on what they were taught in med school, and what era they were taught, a Radiologist may not consider calling a cerebellar herniation a Chiari malformation unless it is 3, 5, 7, 10, or even more mms. That’s a lot of differences in opinion! There are neurosurgeons who believe that size is not the indicator of symptoms- and many of us agree. One of the Biggest indicators is the restriction of CSF flow. You have a 7 mm herniation which seems glaringly obviously to me, but Chiari 0 can cause just as many symptoms as a larger herniation. The key is finding a Chiari specialized surgeon- if that’s a route you want to consider. The Chiari specialist does not get caught up in size as the whole story.
