Meeting with the NS on Tuesday

We are scheduled to meet with the neurosurgeon on Tuesday. I have to say aside from being a little nervous we are also really looking forward to talking to a chiari specialist who can give us info and guidance. Since being diagnosed in mid December and becoming symptomatic a week later, we contacted her neurologist. We asked if we can move our appointment forward to discuss our concerns and answer questions, he didn’t think it was necessary. That was our flag to switch to another neuro which we have. We meet with him in a week. He was the one who last week in the er, referred us to a neurosurgeon after reviewing her imaging and test results.

We have kept a log of everything she has experienced (symptoms, treatments, doctor contacts, etc…) since this started last month. We are also going in with 2 cat scans, 2 MRIs with contrast, a CINE flow MRI, and tons of blood work. We are hopeful that all this info, documentation, and imaging (done about 3 weeks apart) will help the experts make an informed decision recommendation regarding her case.

I will update as appropriate, and as always thanks for all your support!