Looking for some information

Good morning! I am new to this site as well as Chiari. I was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago by a ct scan for a concussion. I am awaiting an MRI to find out which type. I am having some issues with the symptoms. My head is always hurting, I feel like there is a small walnut size lump on the base of my skull/neck area, I am getting yet another fever and experiencing flu like symptoms, I don't have the energy to stand for hardly any length of time, I am unable to eat, and this morning I am having difficulties swallowing. My Neurologist put my on Topomax and told me to take Tylenol as needed. Does anyone else have any other recommendations? These don't seem to be helping at all. I just want to get to a point where I can play with my 2 children again.

Thank you


Thank you so much for the feedback. I was sceptical about Tylenol as well. How long have you been dealing with these symptoms? Do they ever lessen over time?

Hi Stacey,

Firstly welcome to the site :slight_smile: I’m also new here was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago after a CT scan during a short stay in hospital. I’ve also had an MRI but am yet to get the results.
I, like you an suffering awful permanent headaches, lack of energy and constant tinnitus which is driving me mad.
I didn’t have a lot explained to me, was given a website print out and painkillers,which don’t seem to be doing a lot.

I.hope you get some informative replies from the others on here and can enjoy time with your children, I have 3 too so know where you are coming from.
Lots of love and hugs x x x

I was also given a website that made no sense to me. It was all in technical terms and I still don't understand what is happening. I have had a constant headache since January but until I smacked my head a couple of weeks ago, I didn't know why. When I left Emergency Room the second time, they gave me something for the pain after being there crying from the pain for 4 hours. That was only thing that helped. The Topomax the Neurologist started me on isn't doing anything but making me not want to eat.

I want to thank all of you for taking time to talk to me. You can't imagine how much I appreciate it.

I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better now. Prayers for you all :)

You might benefit from a stronger pain medication. Tell your doctor the pain is effecting your activities of daily living. You shouldn’t have to suffer, there are more effective medications in my opinion to manage our symptoms.

Thank you Kristy. I got an appointment to see him next Thursday. Hopefully things will be better. You all are so wonderful.

Do I make appointment with Neurosurgeon on my own or does Neurologist refer me to one? I am so clueless about this right now. Your are all so amazing!