Let us do something positive for each other ~ daily boost

Friends and my beloved CM family here,

We all struggle daily with our battles and other problems day in and day out. We get frustrated, scared and sometimes worse so lets us do something not only for me but others here as well. Take a moment and write a positive encouraging note either to one particular person or the whole community. Let us make it something we can look at frequently and get the positive thoughts and/or motivation that we need sometimes to get through the day or longer periods.

Anyhow lets boost each other up today and everyday. I'll start here and please feel free to add in your comment

Abby ~ thank you for the phone call the other day, even though we did not talk long you lifted my spirits.

For our community ~ Thank you for all that you do everyday here and at work, home, etc. Your raising awareness, your helping of each other through support and sharing information, and the caretakers taking care of us please continue. As a Chiarian to my brothers and sisters of Chiari, even though we suffer together thank you and those words thank you are not said enough to each other. So THANK YOU for all you do. For all of are caretakers thank you goes for you as well. You as caretakers hear it less than us so THANK YOU for assisting us in all of our daily activities that we need help with.

Your turn.

This is cute
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