Leg tremors

Has anyone with a chiari had leg tremors? to the point where your leg shakes so much that you can’t walk without assistance.

Never have had any other medical issues. I have had two chiari decompressions, both times i have not been able to walk without assistance because my leg tremor so bad. Once the surgery is done the leg tremors are gone.

I’m sorry I guess I should have been more specific the leg tremors are before the chiari decompression surgery. I had my first surgery 10/03/2012 and my second surgery was on 06/19/2013. Both times before my surgeries my right leg starts to have tremors, it’s shakey from the hip all the way down to my foot. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

Hi there,

Yes I have had these tremors as well. They sometimes take over my arms too and I feel like I cannot control my body at all. Even though I have Chiari, my doctor has me doing a bunch of lab tests and asking my neurologist to look into further possibilities for these tremors. Maybe you could inquire about that as well? It could very well all be related to the Chiari. Good luck!!

Hi yes I get this most days some days they just feel weak and some days they shake and I have to use a crutch to get around, just another mad symptom of this weird condition I guess? I was told it was from a disc problem at c5 c6 but when I asked for a second opinion by a NS i was told it was cord compression? I am now awaiting surgery, don’t know whether it will help as the stories are all conflickting on surgery just hope it works for me, don’t know if this was any help but at least you know that someone else has the same/similar symtoms xxxxx

Have you been checked for EDS and Dysautonomia? Especvially since you have had 2 decompression surgeries.