since I have posted anything, here goes.
I had a very enlightening appointment with my Neuro, all while finding out that he is leaving the area and I will have to start with a colleague of his choosing. He did say they she would be the best one in that practice for me to see. So, once again I am on to explaining things to a new doctor. I hope this one works out fine, I really did like this last one.
What was discussed before we finished was that it possibly could be the CM1 that is causing the seizures, although it could also be a neuro degenerative disease?, on to more tests. He did say though, that with the size and depth of the aneurysm, it could be hard to determine that it isn't the aneurysm that did cause them. My last thought for this post is that I was getting Botox injections for about 8 year, could it be the Botox that caused them. I did some reading and there is little knowledge about the long term side effects of Botox.
James R.
Thank you Abby and John for the gifts.