Just to let everyone know IM BACK!!! Finally brokew down and broke down and bought a new laptop. so now i can actually do more than just access the website which was all i could do with my phone. i missed everyone and keeping up with the latest on ewveryone.
my update is now i seem to be having random seizures and the neurologist says "they arent related to ure Chiari Malformation",ok then what is causing them?? He replies hes not really sure.Had an EEG and yet another MRI and he says there "may be a slight area on my EEG of higher electrical activity but there are lots of people walking around like that and never have any problems. Well thats great for them but what about ME?
They still have not gotten insurance approval for the trial ofthe Occipital Nerve Stimulator so my original pain clinic doc who sent me to the one at the large hospital here which is also a teaching center so they are supposed to be on the cutting edge of any treatment out there. But the last time I had been there which was about the third or fourth time he said they had never presented it to the insurance company for approval.He did say that since it was still condidered 'experimental' even though hes been placing them for five or more years. So my original doctor got a little agitated and said "Ill just do it myself" and I reemembered he had told me before he had never placed one,so I looked at him and said"so Im gonna be your guinea pig" and he said no that he was going to present it to my insurance company but he knew of other doctors near by who have been doing them also.So I guess Ill wait on what becomes of that. They trial it for seven days,if it works somehow they make it permanent and if n ot then he removes it and i just stay on medications for the rest of my life,which the neurologist added yet another one for the seizures Im having. Sometimes i feel like i eat medications fpr breakfast,lunch,and at bedtime.
Well thats me updated. So happy to be back, dont hesitate to ask me anything u want to. :o)
It is the same ole story with these insurance companies!!!!! You should you had the approval mths ago for the stimulator....gets me so angry!!!!!!
I sometimes thing these NL's just want us to take meds they prescribe so we have to keep going back...Have you seen a Neuro Opthamologist??? I did..and she was great...none of this..'See you in 6 weeks' crap...she tried a few meds on me that didn't help...but we did this over the phone...I was to see her again in 6 MONTHS!!...Too bad I just got a letter telling me she has left the practice!! Just a thought Mary, seeing a Neuro Othomologist.....your NL seems to be dragging his feet as far as your insurance goes..only my opinion.
Lori Im STILL waiting for the stimulator to go to the insurance company…i had to see a psychologist at the pain clinic to “make sure u can tolerate a permanant implant in your body” spent an hour with him then he tells me i seem like a great candidate but i have to take a one and an half hour long written psychology test Im TIRED this has been dragging on and on and on im not sure if its really even goiing to be worthh it after all this trouble…my breakthroough med quit working very well so i have a young doc and he LOVES to prescribe meds that I KNOW the insurance company will not pay for so guess what… THEY WONT PAY FOR IT!!! he had a coupon for 10 free i took one yesterday and it actually worked better than anything Ive ever tried but i cant afford to pay for it out of pocket…once again the rock n the hard place…sigh ok ill quit complaing now how are u doing? lori said:
So happy you are back!!!!!
It is the same ole story with these insurance companies!!!!! You should you had the approval mths ago for the stimulator....gets me so angry!!!!!!
I sometimes thing these NL's just want us to take meds they prescribe so we have to keep going back...Have you seen a Neuro Opthamologist??? I did..and she was great...none of this..'See you in 6 weeks' crap...she tried a few meds on me that didn't help...but we did this over the phone...I was to see her again in 6 MONTHS!!...Too bad I just got a letter telling me she has left the practice!! Just a thought Mary, seeing a Neuro Othomologist.....your NL seems to be dragging his feet as far as your insurance goes..only my opinion.