Injections for pain

I have had 4 trips to see my nl, 100 miles away this month, 3 trips in the MRI machine, and emg. He doesn’t seem to think my 6 mm chiari could be causing any of my symptoms…extreme neck pain, tingling, ringing in ears, headaches with nausea, list goes on and on. He did find some bulging discs that he thoughtni could do some traction for and referred me to a pain clinic for an injection??? Also after that he thoughtni could se a ns to tell me that it is not chiari causing my troubles. So very frustrating. Has anyone here tried injections form the pain?? Not sure what or where I would get this injection. And of I should? Any advice would be great

Hi There....

You said it best.."SO VERY FRUSTRATING!!!"....Here is my experience with NL's...they had no clue that Chiari Malformation causes so many problems..all over ones entire body, in some cases.

Is it possible for you, with your insurance, to bypass the NL's and head straight to a NS??? I ask this because it is the NS who can access your symptoms along with all your testing.

It is been found out, through much research that the size of the herniation is not all that important....6mm is certainly

a Chiari 1 Malformation..there are some 'Old School' NL/NS that believe in the 5 mm rule...anything under 5mm is nothing...UNTRUE!!!!!

Just my own 2 cents...see if you can go to a NS for a consult...bypass NL.....again...just my opinion.

Good Luck and know we are all here for you.



Thank you, I live like 500 miles from the mayo clinic, that would be the closest specialist or maybe Denver. I have been referred to a ns in the nearest city 1000 miles away. I will make an appt with him today, i guess I can see what he has to say before i start traveling the world!!!
I had to redo my thoracic MRI as one radiologist thought he saw a srynx, a different radiologist read my second one and did not see it. Are they really that hard to see?
Thank you for your replies.

I meant 100 miles from my home so that trip to the ns is no big deal

I recommend you going to the Chairi Care Center in Denver if at all possible. Dr Oro is great. He did my surgery in Sept and I haven't felt this good in years. I traveled there from Texas. All you need to get into him is a MRI report stating you have Chiari if you PCP won't refer you to him.

Good Luck,


Blk1976 said:

Thank you, I live like 500 miles from the mayo clinic, that would be the closest specialist or maybe Denver. I have been referred to a ns in the nearest city 1000 miles away. I will make an appt with him today, i guess I can see what he has to say before i start traveling the world!!!
I had to redo my thoracic MRI as one radiologist thought he saw a srynx, a different radiologist read my second one and did not see it. Are they really that hard to see?
Thank you for your replies.

I saw a ns today and he seems sure that my pain is coming from a cervical disc herniation and wants me to go to the pain clinic for an epidural type injection. I am fine with that but i have read that they could make a chiari malformation worse. I have 1 week till my appt to get the injection.