If my insurance cooperates I'll be headed towards surgery!

I had my follow-up at Mayfield yesterday. At my first visit the doctor said I was only partially blocked with abnormal flow so he wanted to consult with the other NS on staff to make sure surgery was the right decision. They decided that I do need the surgery so now it's just onto trying to get insurance approval. They are out of network so I hope there is no trouble!

He said I wasn't at risk of death or paralysis but that he didn't see the situation improving for me without having the surgery. It would be easier to make a decision if you knew you HAD to have it for sure! I'm not really scared of the surgery itself, just worried that I will go through all the pain and expense and it won't help.

Hi Anglyn,

I am an insurance person or used to be anyway. Are out of network benefits included in your policy? If not, I may be able to assist you with getting an out of network provider approved & paid as if they were in network. My NS was out of network. I had an HMO & my NS was in another state. BC&BS paid my total charges on multiple surgeries & office visits and all i paid was one $400 copay. Never say Never when you are dealing with health insurance.


Unfortunately there are no guarentees everyone is different. I had no choice for my first surgery but I don't regret it. The lessening of the headache frequency and intensity changed my life. I know how you feel now being faced with doing it again I am worried I will go through it get my hopes up and get very little or nothing from it nevermind getting worse. You are going to a great place and they will do a fantastic job. You've done your homework and I pray it will work out the way you want it to.


@ Tracy...I do have out of network benefits, it just pays less. They said they would discount the remainder so hopefully I won't end up too badly in debt! Thanks for all the tips you offer! I'll let you know how things go when I hear back!

@JennRN...My appt was at 1 too. I bet we were there together! Wish I had known! :) Which hospital did they do your surgery at?

@Wendy...Thanks for the prayers and encouragement. I feel like this is really my only option to feel better and I have to try it!