Help! Preg & cant pull out of thia migraine!

Please help! I dont know what to do. Ive taken the meds i have but im limited due to being pregnant. I cant take this. Ive spent 21 of 30 days with awful migraines. Today is1 where i cant function. Walking to the bathroom makes me need to sit on the hall floor sobbing for 20 min. I cant even undress or brush my teeth. I have a 14mos old little girl this doeant work. Do i go to the ER? What can they even do? I want to cut my head off!

:frowning: I’m so sorry to hear this. My last pregnancy was horrible. I spent the first trimester in the hospital b/c of symptoms. The only thing that worked for me is so unconventional that I won’t even list it.
If it is that bad I would go to the er. You can’t risk your unborn. What if you pass out? Idk if that’s one of your symptoms, but if so it can do major damage to your baby.
Do you have someone to watch your daughter?
Have you tried cold on the back of your neck and temples? That sometimes helps me.
I hope it gets better for you soon! Wish I could be more help!

If you dont mind what is your unconvential thing? I used to work in a holistic office so im used to different methods. Normally my in laws could help or come here for the night while hubby takes me to the ER but my sistwr inlaw is at the hosp in labor so theyre there and i dont want to wake my girl. Hubby would have to drice me cause the pain in the back of my head comes in waves plus im hoped up on Narco & Fiorcet. I had these with my 1st but during my delicwry thwy messed up my epidural badly so i knew theyd be worse this time.


You really should go to the ER. I know how much you dred going. I have had to be so bad over the years to go. You sound like you are really suffering and it's not dissipating. I am really worried for you and your baby.

After this crisis is over the only things that have helped me over the years is accupucture and deep massage therapy. However the last few years I stumbled upon Zero Balancing. I don't really understand how it works but it has been the only therapy in the past few years where there has been an increase in my symptoms and ZB has helped with no negative side effects. I have a really great therapist and I don't know if it varies by therapist but where your options are limited by pregnancy and you are so debilitated by your symptoms it may be worth a try.

In the mean time I would go to the hospital. The pressure in your head can reach dangerous levels.


Thank you for replying. I actually have an apt on the 13th with a physical therapist. They do bio-feedback there & i know that helps. Wendy what do you mean by the presaure in my head can reach dangerous levels? What can happen?

I believe that it can make the herniation worse. Intercranial pressure or hypertention. It just sounds like you are really suffering and you aren't getting any relief. Are you having visual changes or the whooshing sound in your ears? Those are the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. Headache, visual changes and audio issues. We all have them to some degree (I get the whooshing when it rains and I'm on the verge of a headache) No one should live like you are living right now. Do you have a doctor that knows about Chiari?

You have to be careful with Physical Therapy that they don't make you feel worse especially considering that you are in so much pain. Don't let anyone push you to do something you feel uncomfortable with. Bio Feedback is good because it's somewhat passive. Zero Balancing is done by Physical Therapists and it's a passive form of physical therapy too. It's one of the few things that have helped me through the years other than accupuncture. I looked it up and there are dozens of them in Illinois. There may be one near you that you can look up and see if people have had good experiences with. It's With my second child I was so bad I had to go to accupuncture several times a month to get through it. My heart goes out to you. No one should be living in the pain that you are right now. I'm just trying to think of anything that would help you find relief.


Linny427 said:

Thank you for replying. I actually have an apt on the 13th with a physical therapist. They do bio-feedback there & i know that helps. Wendy what do you mean by the presaure in my head can reach dangerous levels? What can happen?

My unconventional help is marijuana. My neuro used to work in CA and I told him about my previous use of Mj. He said that he couldn’t legally tell me to use it (we’re in NY), but also told me it would help more and do less damage than any narcotic. Especially during pregnancy. I realize it’s quite controversial, but it’s the only thing that’s helped me from the constant drop spells and fainting. You can ingest the THC without the smoke and coughing (which isn’t good of cm).
Just my 2 cents…

Wendy-no I have no Dr that supports or can help me with the Chiari. He said he would see me til lI was done with kids. And then I saw a NS who asked me to walk a straight line-which I couldn't do. I told him how Id been dropping stuff and falling, he said "Well surgery won't be good for you. Take care and thanks for coming in." And my OB/GYN knows what it is but insists my migraines are from hormones not eh increase in blood flow & vessel size, adding pressure in my head. So he just keeps RX me narcotics that don't help.

And Lmnembhart- I actually did use Mj prior to preg. but thought I should quit, cause of well being preg. But I agree it has to be better then narcotics. Its worth giving a shot I guess.