Headaches post op

I am 18 days postop. I have good and bad day hours. LOL My ns said that my worst pain would probly be in my neck from muscle spasms. well the pain i am suffering from is severe headaches. My question is are the headaches normal for most of you? and how long are they really bad. i cant bend down or anything. let me know

Headaches are very normal for most Chiarians. Each person is different & they last and affect us all differently..What do yours feel like? pressure ,pain in specific areas, behind your eyes, your forehead, occipital area???? You will have problems bending over & that may make your headaches worse. Please try not to do that for a while. You have been sick for a while and it is going to take your body time to adjust.

Please let us know how you are doing,


Hi. Lesley,

I’m 12 days postop and I also experience severe headache. Most of my headaches were in the front of my forehead. The headaches would get worst getting up out of bed. If I bend my head down the headaches were even worst. The only relief was ice, and lying down. My sculp was also tender, sore and sensative when touching my hair. At post op 9 which was this Wednesday my symptoms started getting better and the next day was even better. By Thursday, I did not need to take my oxycodone. Now I’m only taking Tylenol because my symptoms are tolerable and not servere.

Hang in there – there is light at the end of the tunnel.

thanks i am glad that is normal. my head hurts everywhere and bending down is the worst, i try not to at all but sometimes its nessasary. TeJa i cant beleive you are only 12 days postop and only taking tylonol. i wish. I am still on motrin 800"s and loratab abd muscle relaxers. hoping to be off them soon. but if i miss a dose the headache is extreme. i just get worried that surgery wont help. that scares me. hope you heep doing well

Hi Lesley,

I can’t believe it either, I’m just grateful. I’m still concerned like you whether the surgery worked because I still have pain in my shoulder and my hands are going numb when I sleep. Because I’m still feeling the symptoms that tells me that the synrix has not dissapear yet. When I get my MRI in a month I hope my symptom will be gone. But maybe it will take some time to go away completely. Then there is a chance that will not. But I’m not claiming that … I’m going to stay positive and take care of myself while in recover.