I am just curious if anyone has had a reherniation after decompression surgery. If so, had your cerebral tonsils been cauterized? How did you feel and/or what signs and symptoms did you have that made you think it might have reherniated?
I also wondered if anyone has reherniated after decompression. I am scared of that happening to me! Great question!!!
I have been having crazy symptoms and weird headaches. The headaches make me feel like there is presssure on my brain. It's hard to explain...like a full feeling and the back of my head hurts also. I am not sure what it is from. Not sure if it is post op pain or something else.
I'm 6 weeks post-op and I'm having the same pressures in my head. My ears feel full like I'm on a plane. The pressure makes it difficult for me to sleep. Also I noticed that when I turn my head I get weird surges of pressure. Alot of my symptoms have returned, nausea, dizziness. I followup with my NS on Wed.with a f/u MRI. I also had a laminoplasty at C5-6 along with several partial laminectomies so I have alot of pain in my neck where he did the second surgery. I am supposed to return to work in 2 week, but I know that I can't meet that goal. Its very depressing to me, as I feel worse now than before surgery. I will let you know what happens on Wed. I too feel like my brain has reherniated. I do believe he cauterized my tonsils. I pray this is post-op pain.
I had a lot of pain right after surger also. It was a little different from my presurgery pain though. Now, I am having the weird pressure headaches along with other symptoms. I am just not sure what is going on. I had my follow up MRI 2 weeks ago and it looked great. Give yourself more time to heal. There was NO way that I could have returned to work at 6-10 weeks. I am still feeling pretty bad. I had to sneeze last night and it felt like my brain was going to come flying out of the incision site.
Good luck tomorrow!!! Please keep us posted!
marybs said:
I'm 6 weeks post-op and I'm having the same pressures in my head. My ears feel full like I'm on a plane. The pressure makes it difficult for me to sleep. Also I noticed that when I turn my head I get weird surges of pressure. Alot of my symptoms have returned, nausea, dizziness. I followup with my NS on Wed.with a f/u MRI. I also had a laminoplasty at C5-6 along with several partial laminectomies so I have alot of pain in my neck where he did the second surgery. I am supposed to return to work in 2 week, but I know that I can't meet that goal. Its very depressing to me, as I feel worse now than before surgery. I will let you know what happens on Wed. I too feel like my brain has reherniated. I do believe he cauterized my tonsils. I pray this is post-op pain.
Ok I may be an idiot, but I was under the impression that the decompression surgery does not fix the herniation, rather just make more room for it????? I'm sure if there was a way the the original herniation occurred there is a possibility for it reoccurring. If I were you I would request that a new MRI be performed and you consult your doc. If the NS is not worried ask your family practice doc to order it. I know if I asked mine would do it for me. Better to know then to continue to be symptomatic and not do anything about it. As you know the symptoms will only get worse!
My NS warned me of reoccuring symptoms. He has had several patients that had symptoms come back several months to years after surgery but follow up MRIs show plenty of room. He said you have to look at your whole lifestyle. Stress in your job or family life can increase our symptoms. He is a big fan of the Paleo diet which I am not following but should be.
This lifestyle change stuff is the hardest for me to accept. I'm used to burning the candle at both ends. I have a full-time job as an Accounting Director, 3 teenagers & toddler in the house, volunteer for school and work. I have to pull back on something because I can see some small symptoms creeping back like forgetfulness, dropping words or train of thought. My toes are numb most of the time now. Not real big things but I worry about them snowballing into something major. Luckily no pain has returned.