Im a new member of the CM Support Group and currently waiting on my surgery.
I noticed last week that I had a lot of pain coming from the top of my leg and my skin is over sensitive . This pain has increased over the last few days to the point that I am just about in tears from the severity which comes in waves.
I went to my GP this morning and she thinks this is Shingles. the doctor doesn't think this is a condition relating to CM. I am wondering if it is brought on by my anxiety over the up and coming op, or if anyone else in the group has had a similar experience?
I’ve had shingle twice… And the last time was two months before I had my MRI! They are painful and make you ever more tired and body hurt! Hope yours go away fast and don’t get worse! It’s been two months and mine are still drying out!
I have had shingles more than 5 times. They can be brought on by stress and also a weak immune system. So they are not directly related to chiari but if you are stressed about surgery or if you body is dealing with chiari symptoms it can make you more prone to an outbreak. I found that olive leaf extract really helps keep them away. My immune system was in terrible condition until I started taking it.
Thanks for your replies. I'm waiting for the dreaded spots to arrive. The doctor won't start any meds until its confirmed as Shingles. Life is pretty weird over the last year, so it doesn't surprise me with this latest curve ball. Just what I needed after taking so many days off sick in the last 6 months and with surgery ahead of me, there is more on the horizon. I just hope my boss keeps being so understanding.
I've had shingles when I was 15yrs old. I still remember the pain. I had a patch on my upper arm and one on my chest at the top of my breast. It kept me out of school for a week and a half. I do know that stress can bring it on. Also if you've never had chicken pox or had only a mild case like I did. Hope you feel better soon.
Yes and this is going to sound crazy but use "Mint Milk of Magnesia" as a lotion and it dries them up and they don't hurt. Head Moderator Abby told me that tip and it is incredible. It also works for chicken pox. You will still have to allow them to run their course but they dry up as fast as they come.
No CM does not cause shingles. I had them when I was 15. Under no stress at the time. I only had a couple chicken pox though so I feel it laid dormant then attack me. Thank God I haven't had them since. It was before there were antiviral meds too so I had to just wait for them to run their course. I was out of school for 2 weeks. Each time I was pregnant and my belly would get big I could see all the brown shingle scars. Can't see them when I'm not pregnant.
I had them when I was first diagnosed with CM. They were probably brought on by the stress of my situation. The "Milk of Magnesia" is a great way to dry them up. My PCP also put me on an anti viral which made them short lived. They were miserable though. Good luck and I hope they come and go soon!