Had my CINE today

After much hassle, I finally got my doctor to order the CINE MRI. Now to wait for the results. I looked at the CD when I got home and though I'm obviously not a doctor it looked like things were moving ok to me.

I know this has been asked before but does CSF flow improve when symptoms do? Today was a good day symptom wise. The past two days I felt miserable. Dizzy and all out of sorts. Today the weather cleared and so did my head. I felt better than I had in days. I wonder how that affects the MRI?

What an interesting question about the CINE MRI, CSF flow and good days versus bad days! Wouldn't it be nice to have a study funded to look at just that question? I bet no one knows. (Think about the MRIs they did when they discovered that during a migraine, the brain shows waves of odd activity.)

When do you get your results? I mean, when does a doctor talk about them with you? Are you one of the lucky ones who trusts her doctor?

Sending you good thoughts, and hoping someone who knows about the CINE studies can chime in.

FWIW, when I looked at my CINE MRI, I couldn't really tell anything. With my other MRIs you could see the herniation.

Hope you get your results quickly.


I have an appointment at Mayfield on the 5th of July. They are the ones who requested the CINE. I haven't met with the doctor there yet so I don't know if I trust them or not. I also have an initial appointment with a NS at UVA on the 20th. He didn't request a CINE but I guess I'll bring it anyhow. I guess I'll see how I feel about both of these doctors and go from there. I will say I do not trust any of the NL's I've seen locally!

I can see the herniation on the CINE actually...It just looks to me like fluid or something is moving. At any rate I will call next week and see about results.