So I am officially a zipper head! 3 days ago I got my decompression surgery at Mass General. My case was kind of rare. I always suffered from lack of balance, depression, headaches, tinnitus and just general clumsiness. I joined this support group a few months ago after getting pneumonia that caused double vision. So they finally gave me the MRI and found my lil chiari. The past 3 months were unbareable and I went to so many doctors and specialist to try and get a straight answer. I found Dr. Borges after my hopeless journey. He is a miracle worker. I am healing better than anyone thought. Plus my nurse at mass general has had the same surgery. I’m going home tomorrow after being mobile and trying to get my pain under control. I know it’s only been 3 days, but if you are getting this surgery, take your time and do your research. There are amazing doctors who will take you seriously. Sorry I am rambling, but for the 1st time in 31 years I am feeling semi normal. I’d love to hear other people’s stories!!!
congrats on getting your surgery..I wish you the very best results and welcome to the club zipperhead !
Great news Manda :-) ... don't overdo it, though, allow yourself time to heal and recover. Keep in touch because it does everyone good to hear success stories. Kindest, Jules
It's nice to hear you're feeling better! :) Have a speedy recovery!