Lol I mean I knew that was coming after being in a bed I could adjust and stuff but wow… I took the nurses advice on meds and wish I wouldn’t have!
She suggested not taking the 5mg of Valium with the 1500mg of robaxin because I only get those every 8 hours then the 1-3 oxycodone every 4 hours. So I was in horrible pain. I finally gave in at 3:30 and took one of my flexoril and slept for a few hours but not enough!
I left there 45 hours after surgery and I am still in disbeliefe of pain management but guess these are Dr Tews rules regardless what I was already taking before surgery but it sucks. And they specifically advised for me to NOT take my own lortab hydrocodone that are 10/500 while on the oxy but honestly 4 hours between those and 8 hours between muscle relaxers is not helping!
I’ve been walking, out of bed on my own, doing my stretches, but not sleeping or pooping! I have chronic constipation and always have. Taking their sense soft twice a day and even ducolax twice yesterday and still nothing! I am hoping to avoid a popping problem next!
Any advice on meds/combos/suggestions for sleeping etc let me have them cause I’m desperate!
They sent me home with the oxy, 30 5mg Valium one every 8 hours, 1500mg of robaxin every 8 hours, steriods to finish, and Prevacid to finish while on steriods, and the stool softener. And Tylenol as needed of course.
Nurse Nancy should call me today so I will ask her too but my pain is not under control of course it wasnt there either and there was nothing they would do about it either. I don’t want to take my own and go against what they suggest but I don’t want to be miserable and in tears having an anxiety attack making it worse either!
And the ONE staple in my head is driving me nuts!
And shower day with baby shampoo and detangler to try and work thru the glue. Lol