Feeling guilty

I sit and read the stories of everyone on here and truely feel blessed to
be living in Melbourne Australia. My diagnosis is only recent and although
progression was at 15mm and symptoms accerlated very quickly, I was treated
have had surgery all within a month of diagnosis. My recovery is ahead of scehule,
Eating and out of bed within hours of surgery, moved to ward day 2 and out of
Hospital day 4. Pain although we aren’t always best of friends is manageable.
Alot of my symptoms had eased once coming through surgery although need to
Focus on OT and Physio to rebuild strength, grasp etc. movement in neck is going well
Scar is healing well, staples removed, and just resting up for the next 6 weeks before review
With surgeon. Anti nausea medication has been crucial.
I feel very blessed to have been able to access medical assistance so quickly and elite surgeons
And anethistiest.
I can’t help feeling guilty reading other people’s stories and wishing I could do more to help others


You have NO reason to feel guilty! I’m so glad that your diagnosis and surgery were so quick and effective. That is great news and you should never feel bad about that. I can tell that you’re a very caring and compassionate person:) Just remember…You are helping people just by being here and sharing your story. We are very lucky to have you here:)
