Exercise and dizziness with Chiari

Is it common to experience extreme dizziness when exercising? It seems every time my heart rate goes up from cardio, I get very dizzy and my head will feel all tingly. This will typically lead to a headache.

Also wondering if it’s common to get headaches from the heat. Every time I’m out in the heat for a period of time I seem to end up with a nasty headache. Could this be Chiari related?

Hey there. I can’t say for sure if it is related but I can tell you heat (I can’t handle it in Texas) always makes me feel worse. Headaches and dizziness until I sometimes pass out when I bend or move my head around. I don’t exercise because of this either. Even when I stand up and start walking to quickly this happens to me. I usually have to stop and hold myself up so that I don’t fall down until it subsides. The tingling I haven’t figured out what triggers it for me but I get it in small patches on my head and face randomly. Anyhow, like I said IDK if it’s definitely related but I have CM1 and similar issues. I hope this helps in some way.

I think both are related. The heart issue and dizziness also sounds like dysautonomia. POTS is a type of dysautonomia that commonly comes along with Chiari. Dinet.org is a good site explaining it.


yes I believe the heat is related to having Chairi. I always feel much worse in the summer months and the humidity makes the heat even worse for me. I can not do cardo do to balance problems but even walking makes things worse for me.