Dr. Luciano @ Cleveland Clinic

So far, no one has said they have been to Dr. Luciano at the Cleveland Clinic....... is he not a specialist with Chiari. I want a true Chiari specialist for a NS.


thanks. i've not seen him yet, i'm scheduled next month for my first consultation.

Did you go to Conquerchiari.org and click on the Education link and then the Research Conference videos? He has been a frequent guest at the conferences and given many lectures. He is also involved in research at Akron University and the dynamics of csf flow in Chiari malformation. I do not know how one gets the title of a Chiari specialist, but I cannot imagine anyone more qualified than him. My granddaughter had her surgery by his partner, Dr. Recinos. I have also seen lectures by her on the subject of Chiari. She trained at John's Hopkin and was also very knowledgeable and a wonderful, caring physician. I feel they are both Chiari specialist in their own right.

He used to be my daughters neurosurgeon until I switched to Rainbow Babies. He kept track of her hydrocephalus (water on the brain). He’s a brilliant doctor yet friendly and personable. He always came across as a doctor who knew what he was doing. I liked him very much but go with your gut.

P.S. The only reason I switched to Rainbow is because the overall environment is better for children, not because of poor doctors. :slight_smile:

Find someone else. Seriously!

why? please share you experience with me.

Violet said:

Find someone else. Seriously!

I tried to send a PM, I hope I did it right.

Violet, i did not get a message from you...... so i tried to send one to you, using the inbox thing in my settings.

Not every patient is right for every Dr. Dr. Lucino has an excellent reputation and is an experienced NS. He may not only see Chiari patients, but neither does most NS's. I would definitely keep your appointment with him then decide. We have lists of questions to ask during your first appt. Then get a second opinion if you like. He is a very skilled NS and in the end that is all that matters. Please let me know if you need anything.

Tracy Z.