Does this sound fishy?

Just got a call from the MRI tech that said NS was not comfortable with the "New Machine" for CINE done. That because these MRI's are not really done a lot and not used to machine, she wants me to re do the MRI but for only 15 minutes on different machine to be comfortable with the reading.

Should I be nervous?


I guess I could do that. But I am so nervous that I just want to wait til finished result. Cause if I see a report of possible obstruction I might faint or something. lol I am a mess.

I do and I don't. I just try to look at it if there was an issue, my Dr would have been notified and he would have called me. Hopefully lol

Yeah, I guess. It's so hard to feel normal and then all of a sudden you are told something you might not want to hear. I'm sure lots of you feel the same way. I went in to get the MRI to make sure all is flowing well, but I guess you just never expect to hear anything negative. Ugh! So nerve racking!

No, Please Do Not Be Nervous !!!! I was in a MRI Machine day before yesterday and had to change machines in the middle of the test. It happens. I wouldn't worry, but always get your Radiology Report so there is not a question about their findings. They are listed numerically and very easy to research.


If it were me, I'd think gee, this must be a new Tech, freshly out of school. Maybe they just aren't sure about their expertise. I may have nothing at all to do with you....relax take it over but get the first report first.


I agree… It sounds like your NS wasn’t happy with the quality of the imagery… And is blaming the lack of quality on the inexperience of performing that particular scan.

To my knowledge… A cine mri is usually used to watch blood flow through the heart.

Hi Lidia,

The first time I had a CINE MRI, it was not done correctly and I had to redo. The CINE part did not come out. The technician just did not know how to do his/her job for this particular scan. Ask the NS if you could go to a different place for your scan; that's what I did. Wishing you all the best.


No, doesnt sound fushy to me, i think that its sounds honest that they really dont know how to operate the new machine. the 15 mins is just to get your heart beat in conjunction with flows.
MRI is a no radiation exam, and while the contrast is not something you want to load up on, it is non- ionizing, so safe.

Thank you for all your responses. I guess I thought a NS reads the MRI results. Which I figure they should know what they are looking for. I always think the worst before I know why. Just a nervous thing. I will retake and just pray for the best. Thanks again for all of your support and hope you are all having a pain free day!!!


I didn’t have contrast with my CINE and the report was so confusing even my neurosurgeon threw it down and went and looked at the actual pictures himself. I don’t think it was done riggt! that scares me, as I was really hoping to use this test as a deciding factor for decompression!

I would take the written report with a grain of salt though. I had MRI's at 2 different locations (1 was the hospital, the other a place that only does MRI's as their business) and neither of the radiologists mentioned anything about me having Chiari. Once I knew what to look for, it was plain as day for me when I looked at my actual images. So it baffles me that a person trained to read MRI's didn't notice it. My pain management Dr. even called one of the radiologists and said "don't you see the tonsils hanging below the base of the skull?" The radiologist replied "Yeah, I guess so."

I always ask for the images/video on CD. They usually include the written report with the CD. But I prefer Doctors to look at the actual images/video and usually a good Doctor will do just that. My 3rd MRI that I had done at the Mayfield Clinic had an excellent written report though - so it's not bad all the time :)

Well I did not have contrast with the CINE done, only with the regular MRI. Maybe that's why. I refused it because I did contrast the week before and thought they were just doing double of what was done a week prior. So maybe that's why. Who knows. Maybe that's what they are doing tonight. We shall see.

Katie said:

I didn't have contrast with my CINE and the report was so confusing even my neurosurgeon threw it down and went and looked at the actual pictures himself. I don't think it was done riggt! that scares me, as I was really hoping to use this test as a deciding factor for decompression!

I have never had an MRI tech call me back if there was a problem with my MRI. I would talk to my NS. Techs wont communicate anything directly to me. Always have to talk with the doc that ordered.

Last MRI i had they did have to put me on 2 different machines. One was because of the CINe. But it was all done at the same time.

So I suggest talking to your doc and not just a tech.