Diagnosed and undiagnosed. What's the deal?

Can anyone help me understand why a NS would diagnose me with CM and then retract his original diagnosis? He has advised me to get a second opinion from a specialist (which he originally said he was). Trying to stay positive but it’s really hard when I see what this invisible beast is doing to my family. I am living on too many meds to mention and also narcotics. I function. I have a full-time job and my income is vital in supporting my family. I am at such a loss. Can anyone recommend a NS who will take this seriously?

My NS first said no Chiaris then a couple of days later said I have Chiaris but wants me to get a 2nd opinion.So as you see we all get frustrated with Drs. The best advice I've been given I will pass to you. Record your dr visits so you can play back later to try and make sense of it.This is also a good tool to have when explaining to other Drs what that one said did etc...Good luck. And try to keep smiling

Thanks for all of the advice! I have all of my records including CD copies of any scans and reports. It’s nice to feel like I’m not a hypochondriac! It’s been 10 years of seeing every type of specialist. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about six years ago and have been a guinea pig for so many meds. It’s been frustrating but now I feel much better knowing what I know and fighting the way I have to get to this point. I won’t stop!