Descibe your Chiari Headaches?

Could you in detail descibe what its like when your chiari headaches come on?

Thanks so much :)


Forgot to add mine :)

Starts as Pressure at the base of my skull- almost burning like pressure ache, sometimes tingles in that area, Then radiates up to the front of my head to the frontal lobe, temples and behind my eye sockets.... painful pressure.... awful!!!!

made worse by bending forward, sneezing, coughing really hard, holding my head in a weird position for a long period of time (looking down at my phone, looking to the side on an angle)

Thanks so much for replaying abby!! My biggest concern is all doctors are seemly trying to make SURE its chiari headaches or some other kind of headache and keep trying to treat it for something else. Im leaning tward getting the surgery but dont want to get it done if i dont think the surgery wont help these headaches!

My headaches are often also very painful behind my eyes, i feel a great deal of pressure there when I am not laughing, straining, bending over like you mentioned above. I do also have the classic sub occipital headaches as well, but honestly I have headaches behind my eyes more often then in the back of my head. Drs like to choose the least invasive method of treatment, ie botox injections, before jumping to brain surgery typically. Hang in there :) Second and third opinions are a good idea I hear :)