Decompression Surgery

I need some advice. I had decompression surgery on 2/14/13. I don’t know if it worked as I still have a lot of the same symptoms. If decompression surgery does not work do I have any other options?

Hi Tina. My surgery is Monday so I will share with the group the results. Has your pain gotten better since your posted this message.

Honestly the only thing I don’t have all the time is pressure behind my right ear. I still get migraines that last days and I still have a very hard time moving my neck. Doing even little things takes so much out of me. All I want is my life back and I’m scared that’s not going to happen. My husband doesn’t like seeing me this way and he gets frustrated sometimes because he feels alone. I’m still young and would like to be able to. Enjoy life like I used too. I’m just so frustrated

Thank you for the reassurance. It just gets hard especially when I know my husband is overwhelmed