Has any one been diagnosed with the following? Cushings syndrome, aseptic meningitis, thyroid problems, or slit ventricel syndrome????
I am having horrible headaches again. They are positional. They are excrutiating when I am standing and I get almost total releif when I lay down. I absolutely can not stand light. My life consist of living in a dark room. I have been very nauseous and vomit frequently. These are the most bothersome sypmtoms. I have been decompressed twice and have a nonfunction VP shunt. I was diagnosed with psuedo tumor cerebri 2 years ago. I went to the neurosurgeon on Thursday. He has ordered several test. He is going to check my ICP level and test for aseptic meningitits.He is also concerned that I am developing slit ventricle syndrome.
My neck has been extremely swollen. He is referring me to an endocrinologists to check for cushings syndrome and possible thryoid problems. I don't meet most of the criteria for cushings, but I have a strong family history of thyroid problems. I have been checked with lab work, but my thryoid has been fine every time.
Curious if anyone has these problems too??
Susan J