Curious and wondering

Hi all,

This may have been asked before if it was I apologize for the repeat, but I was wondering something and it has been in my brain all day. Anyhow does anyone know if there is a connection between being born premature and chiari?

Here is my logic if I get it straight. I was born 2 months preemie and each of the kids vary in their preemie. Katrina was about 2-3 weeks before full term, Emma was about 3 - 4 weeks preemie and Alyssa was about 5 - 6 weeks preemie. According to the docs there are all good and there is nothing wrong with them but of course doing my research I came across some symptoms of Ehler-Danlos (ED). Well there is suspect that 2 out three (Katrina and Emma) have ED, Chrissy (wife) says see has it but has never been officially diagnosed. We are looking to get those girls tested but there is a 3 month wait list, so it will take some time.

We know there is a connection between CM and ED, but add the preemie info and wonder if you are afflicted with CM/SM were you preemie or if your child has CM/SM were they preemie?

Maybe barking up the wrong tree but just curios as well.


Hi, My friend...

Very interesting which I have no answer.....if I find anything out while Googling this...will let you are you and the fam????

I’ve had the same thought! I wonder how many of us on this site are preemies? I was six weeks premature. While I haven’t yet been diagnosed as having EDS, I suspect I do (along with my 5mm CM). It will be interesting to see if anyone can find some research on the topic.

Interesting thought... I don't know the answer but for the sake of fact gathering- I too was born 6 weeks early and have not been diagnosed with EDS but have CM. All my siblings were born around their due date and do not have CM. Hmmm, makes you wonder.

Victoria and I both have EDS. She was 2 weeks overdue & I was full term. She does not have CM.

Interesting question that has never been asked before to my knowledge.

Thanks Mike !!!

I have both CM (decompressed 2009) and EDS. I was full term. My 3 children wereall full term and each show signs of EDS, and 1 CM

I am a twin. I was five weeks early and have CM and Syringomyelia. Interesting question. I did raise this withi my NS and he didn’t see any connection, but he is not a CM specialist. None of our three now adult children show signs of CM, thank God!

I myself was 2 weeks late to arive to the world and I am te only one in my family in either side that has CM. So I don’t believe there is a connection ( I am in no way a doctor) but perhaps a high susceptibility ratio for your children being born with CM because of your wife having it as well.

Great qustion. Interesting answers. There ahs never been a study documenting an increased incidence of EDS or Chiari in the premature patient population(although, for medical purposes, premature is usually defined as prior to 36 weeks gestation).

As I think about it, I belive it is more of an EDS first, leading to difficulty carrying the pregnancy to term, leading to a higher incidence of premature births.

Most believe that there is a genetic component to many diseases(Chiari and EDS would be included there). However, it probably does not track to a single mutation(as many recognized genetic diseases do) but is probably a phenotype(external expression) of many genotypes, i.e. there are many genetic anomalies that may lead to a common end(EDS and/or Chiari). That would also explain why many family members are not involved and many people with identical images have very different symptoms.

Again, this is purely my thoughts on the subject, with no hard science behind it.

My son, Ben is 18, he had decompression surgery at 16… He was’t born premature! All his symptoms showed up in adolescence ! He feels better after surgery but continues to have nausea , dizziness, and tiredness with anxiety! It seems stress and anxiety adds more to it! He couldn’t finish high school and can’t work!

I had wondered the same thing I have cm with a 7mm and I was 7 weeks premature.

Hi, I was full term. Both of my sons were late. One son has had migraines since he was about ten (he's 20 now) and the one who was over a week late shows signs of both Chiari and EDS (which I don't have.) Hope this is some help to you.

Very interesting since I was born 2months premature. You have sparked my curiosity.

I was born right on time and my daughter (also has Chiari) was born 2 weeks late.

We both also have EDS.

However, I think some women with EDS give birth early. In some cases, maybe that could account for the link?

I have wondered that too. I was born at 26 weeks