Chiari sister has passed away

hello all; i read this earlier on a fb chiari support page,thought i'd share brought tears 2 my eyes

Chiari Family. It is with Great Sadness that I must pass along to you the news that we have another Chiari Angel. Shannon Terry passed away last week in Carrollton, Texas. Her husband, Joe Terry has registered a walk team at the Plano walk in her honor. Please keep this family in your prayers.

She passed from complications related to medications she was taking to manage her severe Chiari symptoms. She was 5 years post-decompression.

its such a sad thing ti happen and brings it home for all of us on here,

my love and support goes to the family in this hard time,

for me personally its hard, i never knew shannon, but we are her chiarian family, i mourn for her,

we are in a world where technology though the medical world is advances but so many of us can not be helped,

its heartening to hear another one die, my prays are with her in her journey.

joelene(1min silence of thought)