Brain pain after surgery

Hey everyone. I wanted to check in because I have had severe pain on and off in the same location. its a sharp a key paying four inches above my left ear. it’s obviously nowhere near the incision area, where I had the surgery. the neurosurgeon things that it is because of the halo they used to support my habit. my wife hasn’t noticed any cuts in the area so I am concerned. the pain only last around 15 to 30 seconds before it ends, but is very debilitating. could it be nerve pain, or a blood clot? I’m unsure what to do, so I wanted to talk to you guys, who have the most experience in these situations. the doctors think they know, but we are the ones who have had surgery… I trust my doctors, but I don’t think that this is because of the halo they had me use. if anyone could help to relieve my stress it would be greatly appreciated. thank you everyone, I look forward to your responses.

I didn’t actually see the doctor. I called and spoke to a resident on call ns and they are the ones who mentioned the halo. This is not head pain, it is certainly brain pain I am feeling. I’ll tell them I need an MRI but I am nervous to get one so soon after surgery. I won’t have a follow up with the surgeon until July 2nd and worry because the pain isn’t relieved even when I’m on pain medicine. I’m also worried I’ll need more surgery because my syringomyelia symptoms are still the same. I feel as though when I go for my check up or whatever he will want to insert a shunt. Every time I bring up symptoms it seems like the doctors automatically assume it’s an infection. I had 1 doctor (well a physicians assistant) want me to get a spinal puncture to look for an infection. Ugh it’s been rougher than I thought it would ever be. After the surgery I apparently had aseptic meningitis and tachycardia, neither of which I know what are lol. It just makes me wonder how much more? My wife almost lost her job because I had the surgery and she took time off to take care of our daughter and I. Idk if I can do another surgery. This pain in my head just has me very concerned and our seems as if the doctors only have infection on their minds. Hopefully it’s just nerve pain. If it us though I’m gonna have to learn to live with it. My primary doctor wants me to wean of my meds. Sorry everyone I’m just unsure of what to do.

Joker, I’m sorry you are having this pain. You are still so early in the recovery process and yes we can experience new pain for periods of time post op- the nerve pain is strange. Nerves are very slow to heal and can be painful. Of course please ask for the MRI if you are worried “something isn’t right” and don’t worry about how soon the NS will see you- you can always ask for a copy of the report or have your PCP ask for a copy. Do you have any signs of a CSF leak? Fluid pocket at the back your neck?

Also… The tachycardia means your rate is beating abnormally fast. You should check your heart several times a day. Find your pulse and count the beats for 15 seconds, then x that number by 4 to get your pulse rate. If you are still fast I would see your PCP. I developed dysautonomia after surgery and am now on a beta blocker- it has helped me tremendously.

No csf leaks that I have noticed Jenn, but how would I be able to tell if there it’s a fluid pocket?

Sometimes people can feel it by gently poking around the neck and base if the skull- you would be able to feel an area that feels like fluid has built up.

I'm six days out and some days are better than others. Worrying tends to make everything worse (I do it constantly), so if it settles your nerves, go to the ER. They can check your incision and the rest of your head and rule everything out except for the healing. Then you can sit back and relax and heal, which is what you need to do.