Been over a month of nothing and still no surgery

My neurosurgeon keeps insisting I get a neurophyic done. But my insurance will not cover it… He is not totally convinced that Chiari is causing my sysmptoms. I am so frustrated because I can’t do anything. I have been out of school for over a month. I was planning on going back to school in February because I would have surgery in the beginning of this coming month.
I am not sure what to do, I always have hope but ive been to numerous doctors and nothing has been work. Expect for my aniemia that I got fixed and I have a slight more engery.
I am only sixteen and I am not sure what to do. I am so upset that I will have to wait even longer for surgery that in the ultimate run will have. I had a neurophyic appointment planned but my insurance declined it… My doctor needs it because he needs to know if my pain is organic or mental. He has talked with many doctor and they think that my Chiari isn’t significant enough for it to be causing problems…
I live in wisconsin if that helps and we can’t get into children’s.
Any advice? And does anyone else get told… “you don’t look sick” cause I get told that all the time.

Check with your school, if a request is made, I am pretty sure your school can be responsible for having one done....just a thought.

Hi There..

I can hear and understand your anger and frustration over this....I am curious why your NS is insisting on you seeing a neurophyc have Chiar AND a synix....

Yes, many of us have heard that.."You don't look sick' thing..or...I get.."But you look good'..actually, i use to get that..these days I look like an old hag!!! not kidding...

When is your surgery date? do you have one yet or do you have to wait to see this other dr.???

Let us know..thinking and praying for ya!
