Basilar migraines or..... Nausea anyone?

I am still having a lot of issues since my decompression in December. I seem to have series of symptoms in "episodes." It is very strange and debilitating. I was just to see my PCP and she was wondering if my head pain was basilar migraines. I have been trying to get ahold of my NL and it is like pulling teeth to speak to a human being there. Here is the set of current symptoms:

Burning sensation all over face

Seeing yellow spots

Awful pain in hte back of my head/decompression site

(it actually feels like my brain is going to shoot out the back of my skull)

Weekness in legs

Extreme fatigue

Strange noises in my ears

Nausea all the time

Pulling sensation on my c spine

When changing positions all of it gets worse

Any feedback is appreciated!

I still have not been able to get in with my NL. His office is rediculous! I finally called my PCP back and asked them to get me an appt. My NL said that there should NOT ever be a problem with me getting in to see him when needed. Well, this is the worst! I am def going to complain to him big time. I can't believe I have been feeling this bad and can't get an appt. I don't want to go to the ER, see a doc that I don't know/doesn't understand Chiar, wait forever and then just be pumped with drugs and sent home. Then they'd tell me that I need to follow up with my NL. What a damn joke!

This nausea is just sickening (no pun intended). I can't deal with it anymore. I didn't have severe nausea before I had

surgery. I don't get why its so bad now.

Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. I understand not wanting to go to the ER. Has your NS been any help? Can you take zofran for the nausea?

Hope you get to see your NL soon.


nicolee said:

I still have not been able to get in with my NL. His office is rediculous! I finally called my PCP back and asked them to get me an appt. My NL said that there should NOT ever be a problem with me getting in to see him when needed. Well, this is the worst! I am def going to complain to him big time. I can't believe I have been feeling this bad and can't get an appt. I don't want to go to the ER, see a doc that I don't know/doesn't understand Chiar, wait forever and then just be pumped with drugs and sent home. Then they'd tell me that I need to follow up with my NL. What a damn joke!

This nausea is just sickening (no pun intended). I can't deal with it anymore. I didn't have severe nausea before I had

surgery. I don't get why its so bad now.