Anyone in the Maryland Area?

I live in Maryland and was referred to Dr. Brian Sullivan, neurosurgeon, regarding my Chiari. He seemed nice and confident in what he discussed regarding my condition and he asked that I get a MRI of my spine since the first MRI showed I had a syrinx as well. My symptoms are not sever but I am experiencing the headaches, fatigue and numbness in my hands. So he felt that I should consider having the surgery within a month or two to avoid any further damage and increase my chances of a successful recovery.

Has anyone heard of this doctor or been treated by him in the past. If not, are you aware of any doctors in Maryland that you would recommend.

Hi Kisimi....

I think Shirley C. may be of assistance here.....she lives in the DC area.

Good Luck..Keep us posted!!!

Hey Kisimi:) I'm from PA close to the MD line area. Im not sure what area of MD you're from but as Lori suggested Shirley C is from MD.

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I only live about a half hour from Bowie. I'll be happy to talk to you and answer any questions/provide support however I can help. I've sent a private message with my phone number. Call me Kisimi - or send your number and I'll call you. I recommend Dr. Henderson, my neurosurgeon. He does these surgeries every week on people from all over the world. You need somebody with experience with a good success rate and he fits the bill. His main office is in Bethesda Maryland, but he sees patients periodically st Doctors Hospital in Lanham too (that's where I usually go) which is not that far from Bowie - He does surgeries at Doctor's Hospital. I have been in every hospital in this DC area and I got the best care there - very pleased with it.



I live in Annapolis. I have heard of Dr. Sulluvan but chose not to see him. After visiting many, many doctors I saw Dr. Carson at Johns Hopkins and I knew he was the best. He is very caring and has one of the highest success rates with Chiaris. He has done 2 surgeries of mine and one for my sister and we wouldnt have had anyone else.

Hi Brookelyn,

Can I ask why you chose not to see Dr. Sullivan? Also I tried to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ben Carson but he only works with Pediatrics. Perhaps you are referring to another Dr. Carson. Please let me know what doctor you saw, I am trying to get a second opinion and figure out what Surgeon I want to use.



Brookelyn said:

I live in Annapolis. I have heard of Dr. Sulluvan but chose not to see him. After visiting many, many doctors I saw Dr. Carson at Johns Hopkins and I knew he was the best. He is very caring and has one of the highest success rates with Chiaris. He has done 2 surgeries of mine and one for my sister and we wouldnt have had anyone else.

I heard sometimes Ben Carson will see adult patients. He is a friendly with my pastor. I know he sees adults with Trigeminal Neuralgia. The principal at our church school has TN and was treated by him. There is a movie about him called “Gifted Hands”. He is world renowned. The headmaster at our school called him for me. He recommended I see Dr. Jon Weingart also at Hopkins. I went to him for an opinion.I chose not to keep seeing him but I know many people have had great success with Weingart.

I think Dr. Carson is a wonderful man and surgeon. I have read all his books and saw the movie. I referred a woman who worked for me to him for her little girl's spinal tumor. She was real pleased with him. I think he truly has a gift from God. He is mostly known though for being a pediatric surgeon.


If I lived in Maryland I would see Dr. Henderson. I see the most positive comments about him, The Chiari Institute, and Dr. Oro in Colorado. It seems thatpeople who go to these Drs. not only have some good results but also genuinely like them also. I especially read about the compassion and concern these drs. show.