Join the Chiari Malformation discussion forum for patients, friends and families affected with chiari.
We love to hear you stories and information about treatments, symptoms and side effects.
A post was split to a new topic: New Member - Tink
A post was merged into an existing topic: How to deal with every day life with chiari
I have not had surgery yet, after reading these,not sure if I should
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: CSF “Capsule” below cerebellum
Are there any current people on here? I thought I was joining a forum where I could engage with others but most everything on here is old posts
Hey Cam,
This is one of our 'About: (Categories)" For members who may have questions regarding the categories.
I see you have responded to a couple of members posts, so you got that sorted OK and if you wish to start your own topic you can do so by clicking on the blue + in the right bottom corner. Click it and a textbox will appear. One of the windows in the text box will ask you to choose a category for your post ie Support or General etc and this will display your msg under these frequently used categories.
Hope it helps
Merl from the Modsupport Team
I don’t have a blue + in the right bottom corner. I’m on a tablet. Is this info for mobile phones or computers?
Yea, sorry, I’m talking about the processes for computers. I don’t use my phone to access the net often. But I’ve just had a look and the phone I used displayed the blue +. So, I’m not sure why it wasn’t shown for you.
Here’s a link to the ‘Latest’ post category Latest topics - Chiari Support If you bring this page up can you see the Blue Button on the lower right hand side?
If you let me know I’ll try and investigate why/why not.
Merl from the Modsupport Team
I found it lol! I am not technology educated. When I slid the page to the left on my tablet it was there down at the bottom just like you said. Thanks a lot Merl! Have a great day!
No problem Cam. The modsupport team is always here to assist.
If you have any further issues, don’t hesitate to drop us a msg.
I’m not real techy myself, I do have a bit of knowledge but to say I know everything would be a HUGE exaggeration But we have other members on the team who know the idiosyncrasies of the systems and have much more techy knowledge than me. But if I can assist, I will. And if I can’t, I’ll find someone who can.
Merl from the Modsupport Team