A little scared about symptoms that haven't been around for a while

Hello All! Clearly I went and dug a hole and stayed buried under a rock for the past 6 months or so. I had a rough few months of multiple illnesses, two acute asthma exacerbations with 1 requiring admission to the hospital, and countless other issues. But the funny part about that is that I have recently been doing relatively well. My word finding has improved, sleep is still an issue, but it does happen with medication. However a couple of things have come back and I'm scared that I am overreacting and equally as scared that something really is wrong. I have started getting these crazy headaches out of nowhere. They are in the front of my face and behind my eyes. Positioning doesn't seem to change it neither does advil. My neck has become more stiff and sore, and it goes down into my right shoulder. I am scheduled for my 1 year (about 10 months) CINE MRI and visit with the neurosurgeon June 13. I'm just worried and hoping I didn't rock the boat by telling people that I was doing well! Am I just being dramatic??? Honest opinions welcomed :)

I've been worried about you! I'm glad to see you are back! I have an appointment for a CINE and to see Dr. Ringer on the 14th! Too bad it's not a day earlier! :)

I notice that when I workout I have more head and neck pain. I have the all clear for anything I want to do but some things just don't seem to agree with me and cause a lot of neck strain. :( Also the storms we've been having the past couple of weeks give me wicked headaches behind the eyes. Not sure if it's allergy/sinus or chiari!


NO..you are not being dramatic! You are concerned...so natural...I am glad you are having a follow up CINE MRI soon...that should tell a lot.

I use a roll on called Zimm's Max Freeze and there is another I use..Zimm's Max Hot ..it has Arnica in it...works very well...I also take Fioricet when I get a bad h/a...

It could be that you have been doing too much and this is bringing on added pain...or if you are under more stress than usual..I personally find that when I am under much stress my h/a's increase as well as over-all pain. Even though I try my hardest to chill out and relax..it is just not in my nature...I am born worry wart!!! Keep us posted on how you are!