5 years Post Decompresson

Just wanted to say Im now doing much better .......................but

It took me years to get back on track I still suffer from migraines

I developed Hydro encephalitis

I now have two shunts vp shunts to help drain the spinal fluid

I am able to get my mind back enough to handle balancing a check book those simple things were just overwhelming for me to remember a number from one page to the next not couldn't do it when my job was numbers coding in the medical field

I was devastated and depressed . Then I lost my husband my soul mate who knew me better than I knew myself . 2 years after my surgery God I didn't think I would get through any of it

But here I am I do see sunshine some how God bless you all it does get better just a long road


Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

I am so sorry about the loss of you dear husband. My sister lost her husband this past July and she tells me it is a pain like no other. I can completely understand what you wrote about feeling devastated and depressed.

You went through so much!! The surgery, the shunts, your major loss...but here you are...sharing yourself with others...in order to give them comfort in knowing that..YES...there is HOPE!!

You wrote that you see some sunshine now...Here is the thing...You just gave us sunshine!! Your husband is smiling down on you..you are making him proud!

God Bless you and we are here for you!
