Does anyone have names of doctors who have delt with chiari more than a few times? I saw someone say Madison but no doctors name. They have a great teaching college but I must not be searching in the right place. I’m located just north of Milwaukee but will travel within my means to get proper opinions.
Morning Cassie,
My name is Ashley and I had surgery done in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Dr. Dan Heffez on November 28, 2016. Highly recommend him as a surgeon!! He has been doing Chiari surgery since the early 90’s I believe. He is extremely great doctor and I traveled from Houston, TX to get it done. The surgery was done at Columbia St. Mary’s Milwaukee and the care team was amazing!!! The hospital is super nice and clean too!! Please let me know if you have any questions about him or the hospital.
I hope you find a great surgeon/doctor that fits you!! Wishing you the best of luck
Hi Cassie, I am in Port Wasington,Wi! Just diagnosed in Dec. I went to see Dr Heffez in Jan 2017, at the Wi Chiari Center, Columbia St Mary’s in Milwaukee. He recommended surgery, but I am doing physical therapy and wearing a collar instead. Would love to meet you since we are so close. I have 4 kids, 5 grandkids. Planning on doing the Chiari walk in Madison in September. Look me up Tina Johnson. Found out last week my husbands cousin’s daughter from a West Bend was diagnosed 2 yrs ago, she’s 31. And my Niece’s co-worker (from Grafton, 61yrs) was diagnosed a few weeks after me. And another co-worker of my niece has a daughter (26yrs) that was just diagnosed, maybe that’s you!
Hi Ashley, I met you and your dad at the clinic in Milwaukee, you showed us your MRI pictures of your scans on your phones and surgery scar. I was with my husband. Dr Heffez recommended surgery for my Chiari and my CSS, but I am doing therapy and wearing a collar. I’m 54 and have been dealing with all the problems most of my life, so I am going to wait until I really need surgery. How are you doing? What type of decompression surgery did you have? If you ever come back to Milwaukee I would like to meet up with you. Email me ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. My husband has an aunt, uncle and cousins in San Antonio.
Hi Cassie, was not sure if you got my message, the site is new to me and I’m still figuring out how to use it, lm old too! No computers or Internet when I was growing up. I’m in Port Washington, would love to meet up and talk, Tina
Hello Tina,
Yes that’s right, how are you doing? Sorry for late response, I have been super busy with work again. Good for you and I hope your physical therapy goes well for you ! I am doing good and much better then before surgery! There are some days that I have pressure in my head with weather changes but other then that its improved a lot. My surgery involved having craniectomy, laminectomy, duraplasty, cauterized cerebellar tonsils (removing tissue) , and plate insertion my head. Cool, San Antonio is a really fun place to visit! I would love to meet up when I visit Milwaukee sometime too! If you ever have any other questions about Chiari or anything my email is ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.