What is it

I had decompression surgery 6 days ago. Night 4 I developed an itch red rash in my neck, traps, throat and 1 ear. Has anyone else had this? Not sure if I am reacting to Iodine, tape or medicine. I am taking benadryl and using the benadryl cream. Any input would be great.

It sounds like an allergic reaction. Have you called your doctor? It could be a reaction to your antibiotic.

Thanks Terri. The Doctors did delay my discharge for a few hours to watch it. I know its an allergic reaction just not sure what. I hope it stops soon. I had a huge reaction to prednisone or an antibiotic a few months ago my rosacea flared up really bad. (On my face). It s just driving me nuts.

One of my children is allergic to the adhesive that is found in band-aid, medical tape, and paper tape. She is also allergic to the cover they put over IV's. She can only use IV 3000 and even then only for a couple of days or she starts to break out really bad.

I had another thought; could the red itchy rash be the body's response to the trauma of the surgery?

If it was localized, I would think that it is related to the skin prep or tape.

I have had a similar situation but it doesn’t itch. I have broken out in thes little bumps on both sides of my neck, almost like little zits. I had the same thing on one particular spot on my back. It’s weird. The ones on my back feel like they are drying up but the ones on my neck are still there.